e-mail: kang-chunhui@qq.com

康春慧 1982年出生于新疆乌鲁木齐,2010年毕业于首尔大学,获硕士学位,主修影像艺术。2006年赴新疆克孜尔石窟(公元4至8世纪)研究并临摹早期佛教壁画。克孜尔壁画的绘画材料、技法、风格及题材呈现出高度的融合性,可见中亚——古昌(伊朗境内)、犍陀罗及波斯——起源,以及来自印度和古希腊的历史影响,亦反映出同时代与拜占庭欧洲的艺术交流。康春慧在她的艺术实践中,将这一中亚宗教绘画语言置于当下新疆的历史、文化和社会学语境之中进行重新解读与诠释。


KANG Chunhui (b. 1982, Urumchi, Xinjiang) graduated with her MFA from Seoul National University in 2010 focusing on video art. In 2006, she went to the Kizil Caves (4th to 8th Centuries) near her hometown of Urumchi to study the early Buddhist mural paintings. The painting materials, technique, style and subject matter of the Kizil Caves is highly syncretic reflecting Central Asian—Kuchan, Gandharan and Persian—origins and reflecting contemporaneous artistic exchange with Byzantine Europe and historical influence from both India and classical Greece. Kang Chunhui’s current artistic practice reinterprets this Central Asia religious painting language within the historical, cultural and sociological context of Xinjiang today. Kang Chunhui has exhibited at the Xinjiang Art Museum, Urumqi (2023), Wuhan Art Museum, Wuhan (2022), Jiangsu Museum of Modern Art, Nanjing (2021), Peking University, Beijing (2021), Zhejiang Art Museum, Hangzhou (2020), Chengdu Museum, Chengdu (2019), The Royal Society of British Artists, London (2018), Today Art Museum, Beijing (2017), University of Sydney Art Gallery, Sydney (2017), University of Hong Kong Museum and Art Gallery, Hong Kong (2016). Her works have been collected by the Wuhan Art Museum, Wuhan, Akita Museum of Art, Akita, Guardian Art Center, Bejing, Taikang Group, Beijing, and the Center for Contemporary Asian Art, Sydney.